Overview: Zona Shue Project

    The general research plan involves researching the characters involved in this drama that was high-lighted in Walt Gavenda’s story about Zona Shue, The Ghost Who Testified.  There is a great deal more to this odd episode than has appeared in previous stories, most of which were “circular,” depending on the expanded research preciously done.  Some of the best work was done by Katie Letcher Lyle in her book, The Man Who Wanted Seven Wives, but the interruption of her research by the insertion of fiction into the book. 
The characters are fascinating to study and have not been adequately explored previously.

    A key factor remains undiscovered:  Was the Shue family of nearby Droop Mountain, where a major Civil War battle occurred, Unionist?  If so, this fact would add yet another layer of complexity to the Zona Shue study.



Copyright © David L. Phillips 2012


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